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Flourishing from Within: Daily Habits and Guiding Principles for Purposeful Living

Flourishing from Within: Daily Habits and Guiding Principles for Purposeful Living

Flourishing from Within: Daily Habits and Guiding Principles for Purposeful Living

  • Nov 14, 2023

What mindsets and daily habits set high achievers up for deeper fulfillment and flourishing, beyond surface measures of success?

If you feel like you’ve checked all the boxes but still have a lingering sense that something is missing, you’re not alone. Many high-performing leaders and creators relate after years of relentless drive only to this all there is?

I spoke with Fluence member Maria C. about her journey from burned out overachiever to balancing purposeful success with daily joy. Fluence Circle, the exclusive peer community she belongs to, played a key role.

“I used to think a packed calendar and never saying no was the mark of a successful leader," Maria told me. "But I was running on fumes.”

Transforming Her Morning Routine

When Maria joined Fluence, she was intrigued by members who radiated vibrant energy despite also owning firms, investing capital, raising families, and sitting on nonprofit boards.

“I wanted what they had,” Maria said. “That magnetism and sense of deeper purpose behind their achievements.”

She learned their secrets came down to mastering intentional mindset habits. Small rituals setting the tone for centered presence throughout busy days.

“Now I start my mornings journaling gratitude, setting goals and reflecting how to best serve others,” Maria said. “That inner flourishing flows outward, informing how I then show up.”

Her insight? Wellbeing must come first to fuel giving your gifts fully.

The Scientifically Proven Benefits

Research backs up that centering activities like mindfulness, breathwork, journalling and meditation increase productivity, cognitive function and overall life satisfaction.

Per a Harvard study, just 8 weeks of a mindfulness course literally altered participants’ brain grey matter linked to learning, memory and regulation of emotions.

Yet we hardly make such practices priority, usually only discussed in spiritual contexts.

The high achievers at Fluence prove integrating these tools into business leadership and decision making amplifies goals on all levels.

Fluence’s trainings distill techniques for members to move through stress smoothly and access intuition. Peer groups foster vulnerability so they can challenge limiting beliefs.

Carry Fulfillment Through Chaos

The result, Maria said, is flourishing inside to handle whatever arises outside with resilience, wisdom and calm.

“When you feel aligned first thing, you carry that presence through the whole day’s chaos,” she said. “My improved state of mind heightened my leadership and purpose beyond anything I could externally achieve before.”

So if you seek greater daily meaning along with your ambitions, consider your personal rituals. Nurture your inner world first so you can tend all other areas from abundance. The external success will follow.


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